D.C. 酒吧 法律道德 Program provides guidance on questions that arise under the D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct. Program services include publication of formal advisory opinions and confidential informal consultation with legal ethics counsel.

规则 of Professional Conduct
The 规则 of Professional Conduct are rules of reason. They should be interpreted with reference to the purposes of legal representation and of the law itself.
Most Recent 报告 and Recommendations
- 对规则1的拟议修改.8(d) (Conflict of Interest: Specific 规则 (Humanitarian Exception)) (October 2023 Report for Public Comment)
下载并保存. This is a 17-page, 265kb PDF document.
- March 2023 Final 报告及建议 to the 董事会 of Governors Proposing Changes to D.C. Rule of Professional Conduct 1.15(e) and Comments consistent with In Re Mance and In Re Ponds
下载并保存. This is a 19-page, 487kb PDF document.
- January 2022 Report to the 董事会 of Governors Proposing Changes to the D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct Relating to Client-Generated Engagement Letters and Outside Counsel Guidelines
下载并保存.This is a 33-page, 404kb PDF document.
- February 2020 Proposed Amendments to Selected D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct
下载并保存. This is a 77-page, 615kb PDF document.
- March 2021 Proposed 对D的修订.C. 规则8.4报告及建议
下载并保存. This is a 76-page, 724kb PDF document.
- 对规则1的拟议修改.6(k) (Confidentiality of Information)
(June 2020 -- Report for Public Comment)
下载并保存. This is a 6-page, 230kb PDF document.
- 对规则8的拟议修改.5 (Disciplinary Authority; Choice of Law)
(June 2020 -- Report for Public Comment)
下载并保存. This is a 26-page, 351kb PDF document.
- Alternate Proposal to Adopt Model 规则8.5(b)(2)
(June 2020 -- Report for Public Comment)
下载并保存. This is a 7-page, 190kb PDF document.
Legislative History: 报告 and Recommendations
- June 2005: Report of Proposed Amendments to the District of Columbia 规则 of Professional Conduct: Final 报告及建议
- 报告 and Recommendations of the 规则 of Professional Conduct Review Committee
- September 2009: Proposed Revisions to 规则 Governing IOLTA
- References to September 2009: Proposed Revisions to 规则 Governing IOLTA
- August 2010: Amendments to the 规则 Governing the District of Columbia Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account (IOLTA) Program
- June 2012: Proposed Amendments to Selected 规则 of the D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct
- April 2013: Report of the Limited Scope Working Group
- January 2015: Proposed Revisions to D.C. Rule of Professional Conduct 1.2(报告草稿)
- 对D的修订.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct 1.10; 1.15; and 7.1(2015年10月8日生效)
- February 2019: Proposed Amendments to Selected 规则 of the D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct